Contributing towards Greater Community Participation, Employment Generation and Awareness in Conservation , Optimum Utilisation of Water & providing Safe Drinking Water.


" Living beings are left with less than 0.78% of water resources for its use. Sustainability will be at stake if we do not use water very judiciously. Unchecked withdrawal of ground water and disposal of untreated effluent and sewage in the river or in other water bodies are seriously affecting the quality of water .Despite billions spent on safe water solutions, half fail within a few years. A quarter of the world’s population is still in need. That's why we're in the field demonstrating new approaches, working with the water sector to overcome the challenges to keeping safe water flowing long-term. These prompted us towards establishment of " Decentralised Rural & Semi Urban Self Sustained Safe Drinking Water Projects"


Water - essential for any living being are freely available in nature. But actual usable water with Potablity is less than 0.78% of total water available of earth. Hence we all have to work towards using water in a very thrifty manner considering water as a precious resources. In society it is mostly taken as a free supply from the Government whether treated or untreated. However utilization of the piped water supply usually consider 35% to 50% system loss. In practice, system loss is found even to the tune of 65%. This is not only wastage of precious natural resources but also waste of energy, man power and financial resources too.

On the other hand fast deterioration of water quality is posing health related problem even death to millions of people who do not have access to safe drinking water. When awareness can play a vital role in reducing the water loss but in practice,it was found, not that effective, as water is still considered as free resources.

In India more than 90% water being used in Agriculture and not always with very optimally. However awareness towards water as a scarce and precious resources in rural population will help to reduce water loss to a great extent .

This prompted the idea of providing safe drinking water as a value added product where it is purified , packed and door delivered to the consumers at a very nominal and affordable cost, water being paid for, users also makes it a habit of 100% utilization with a health benefit of consuming safe drinking water towards improving quality of life. Rural population mostly, directly or indirectly , connected to agriculture. Attitude of water loss reduction benefits this major sector of water lose.


We view people as consumers, not beneficiaries, educating them about the benefits of safe water usage. Communities pay a nominal amount to keep safe water flowing for all.


Many people, living in areas of need, lack the technical and operational skills to manage and operate a Safe Water Station. We build local capacity through comprehensive training, manuals and toolkits.
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When water systems break down there are typically no funds set aside to fix them. Our Stations sell water at affordable prices to generate revenue to cover operating and maintenance costs.


Rural water sources are precious and easily taxed by overuse. Our approach to water resource management helps ensure water will be available for future generation and in quality not deteriorated by human short sightness.

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